Instant with No-Code

Quickly add Feedback widget to your site

All you need to do is drop a small HTML tag into your website.

By signing in into your account, click on the account icon, located in the top right corner of your screen, select "Settings".
Copy the tag from "Code" and paste into your site's code.

That's it!

How to copy the HTML tag:

How to copy the HTML tag

How to paste the HTML tag into your code:

How to paste the HTML tag into your code

After saving the changes and refreshing the page you'll see the Feedback Widget tab displayed on your website.

Now, your users will have a voice!

Need help? Contact us for a quick consultation.

Powerful Analytics

Get user insights, analytics, reports and more

Tap into the power of Feedback widget with analytics and transform your business to the next level. Analyzing your user data will help you gain better understanding of who your users really are and make better business decisions.

Depending on your plan level you will have access to various metrics that Feedback widget collects and transforms the data into valuable Insights. When you sign in, navigate to "Admin Panel" and select "Stats" from the top of the menu. You will see data visualizations of your user's data that that includes geo-location, traffic history, demographics, usage patterns, user devices, platforms and more.

Need more analytics? Contact us with more details.


Control the appearance

You can customize and manage the content, such as the questions you ask your users. You can include your own or modify the current default. Feedback widget's appearance can be fully integrated with your brand by setting the styles in the "Admin Panel". To access this area you would need to select "Customize" tab from the top menu when you sign in. When you edit the settings, don't forget to click on "Save" button so your changes are saved. Refresh the browser and see the updates take effect immediately.

Now you have a fully Customized Feedback widget!

Need more customization? Contact us for more details.

Reports to your inbox

Get scheduled emails with user stats

You can subscribe to receive analytics reports via an email.

Need customized reports? Contact us for more details.